Our Caring Hospital Clowns Make a Difference

Dr. B. Happy
From the moment we enter a hospital, our Caring Hospital clowns are a positive healing force. We are masters in the art of “reading” a room, listening and using gentle humor to make true connections with the people who need them. We are always professional and respectful and are trained to be “in the moment” when it comes to the needs of the patient.
We may be spontaneous and playful, or may offer a willing ear and a shoulder to cry on. We offer the patients a precious gift: ATTENTION! The result is that we help to nurture patients’ spirits, ease some of the stress they feel and play a role unlike any other in the hospital. This is why we are recognized as valuable members of the hospital wellness team.
‘I was diagnosed with stage IV melanoma in 2014 and received treatment until the fall of 2015. I was so impressed with the level of care from the doctors and everyone at Penn (Penn Medicine); they saved my life and I knew I wanted to pay it forward in some way. I joined the Bumper “T” Caring Clowns and became DR B Happy, a Friday regular at Penn, visiting patients at Perelman waiting for treatment and cancer patients in their rooms. It’s great therapy for me, and also for the patients and staff to see someone like me trying to lift people’s spirits. I call myself a hope-ologist. Immunotherapy and Penn gave me a new beginning.’
– Benjamin